Comprehensive Travel Insurance

Our highest level of cover for travelling outside of Australia

If you’re looking for an international travel insurance quote, Comprehensive Travel Insurance is the highest level of cover offered by Allianz, with a wide range of policy benefits for single trip cover. You can choose between single, duo, and family plans with the option to cover dependants accompanying you for the entire trip.1

See the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for all terms, conditions, exclusions, limits and applicable sub-limits that may apply.

COVID-19 benefits
We offer travel insurance options that include COVID-19 benefits for things like trip cancellation and overseas medical and hospital expenses if you contract COVID‑19during the period of cover.
Find out what features and benefits our Comprehensive Travel Insurance is designed to cover before getting a quote.
This is a limited summary of some of our Comprehensive Travel Insurance covers only. Terms, conditions, exclusions, limits and applicable sub-limits apply. For full details and before making a decision, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

  • Overseas Emergency Assistance1,3
    Allianz Global Assistance is available to help you with any overseas medical emergency. You can contact Allianz Global Assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Overseas Medical & Hospital Expenses1,3
    If you’re injured or become sick while overseas, we’ll reimburse the reasonable medical or hospital expenses you incur until you return to Australia, provided the relevant injury or sickness is covered by your policy.
  • Personal Liability1,4
    If you become legally liable to pay compensation for death or bodily injury to someone else – or physical loss or damage to someone else’s property – as a result of an accident that happens during your journey, we’ll cover you for:
  • The compensation (including legal costs) awarded against you
  • Any reasonable legal costs incurred by you for settling or defending a claim made against you, providing you have approval in writing from Allianz Global Assistance before incurring these costs
  • Funeral Expenses3
    If you die overseas as a result of an injury, or a sickness (including if you are positively diagnosed as suffering a sickness recognised as an epidemic or pandemic such as COVID-19), or pre-existing medical condition we have agreed in writing to cover, during the period of cover for your journey, we will pay for your reasonable funeral expenses incurred overseas or the cost of bringing your remains back to your home. The maximum amount we'll pay under the Funeral Expenses benefit is the benefit limit for the plan you've selected.
  • Accidental Death1
    If, during the period of cover for your journey:
  • a) you’re injured and due to that injury you die within 12 months of it occurring; or
  • b) something you’re travelling on or in disappears, sinks or crashes and your body isn’t found within 12 months and you’re presumed dead;

we’ll pay the benefit limit payable under the Accidental Death benefit to your estate.

  • Permanent Disability1,3,4
    If you’re injured during the period of cover for your journey, and
  • a) due to that injury, you suffer permanent disability within 12 months of the injury occurring; and
  • b) your permanent disability continues for at least 12 consecutive months and at the expiry of that period, in the opinion of an appropriate medical specialist, is beyond hope of improvement;

we’ll pay the benefit limit payable under the Permanent Disability benefit to you.

  • Cancellation1
    If during the period of cover, your journey is cancelled, rescheduled or shortened because of circumstances that weren’t expected or intended by you and are outside your control, we’ll reimburse you:
  • The non-refundable portion of unused travel and accommodation arrangements for your journey, that you’ve paid for before cancellation and can’t recover in any other way.
  • For the value of frequent flyer points, air miles, loyalty card points, redeemable vouchers or similar schemes lost as a result of cancelling the related services, but only if you can’t recover your loss in any other way.

You can choose different levels of cancellation cover when you buy your policy.

  • Additional Expenses1
    We’ll reimburse reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses if you or your travel companion can’t continue your journey, need to return to Australia, or your journey is otherwise disrupted due to any of the events described under the Additional Expenses section in the PDS.
  • Travel Delay Expenses1
    If circumstances outside your control result in an unexpected delay to your journey of at least six consecutive hours during the period of cover, we’ll reimburse your reasonable additional meals and accommodation expenses.
  • Alternative Transport Expenses1,3
    If your scheduled transport is cancelled, delayed, shortened or diverted during the period of cover – and that means you wouldn’t arrive on time to one of the events listed in the Alternative Transport Expenses section of the PDS which, before you left Australia, you’d planned to attend or utilise while you were overseas – we’ll pay your reasonable additional travel expenses to enable you to arrive on time.
  • Luggage, Personal Effects & Valuables1
    Cover is provided for your luggage and personal effects or valuables if, during the period of cover for your journey, they’re stolen, accidentally damaged or permanently lost. See Luggage, Personal Effects & Valuables in the PDS for the exceptions to this cover.
  • Luggage & Personal Effects Delay Expenses1
    If you need to buy essential items of clothing or other personal items because items of your luggage and personal effects are delayed, misdirected or misplaced by the carrier for more than 10 consecutive hours during the period of cover, we’ll reimburse you for the reasonable expenses you incur.
  • Travel Documents, Transaction Cards & Travellers Cheques1,3
    If during the period of cover for your journey, you lose any essential travel documents (including passports), transaction cards or traveller's cheques are lost, stolen or destroyed, we’ll reimburse you:
  • the issuer’s fees for any replacement costs (including communication costs) of the items which have been lost, stolen or destroyed; and/or
  • any loss resulting from fraudulent use of your lost or stolen transaction cards or travellers cheques other than those amounts covered by any guarantee given by the bank or issuing company to you as the holder of the transaction cards or travellers cheques.
  • Theft of Cash1
    If cash, banknotes, currency notes, postal orders or money orders are stolen from your person during the period of cover for your journey, we’ll reimburse you up to the amount shown in the Table of Benefits in the PDS. 
  • Rental Vehicle Excess1
    If your rental vehicle is involved in an accident while it’s being driven by you and you're the nominated driver, or it’s damaged or stolen while in your custody, we’ll pay you the lesser of (up to your benefit limit)1:
  • the amount specified that you’re liable to pay under the rental vehicle agreement, or
  • the property damage for which you’re liable.

If you’re diagnosed by the treating medical adviser as unfit to return your rental vehicle to the nearest depot, we’ll pay the cost of returning the vehicle (up to the applicable benefit limit).

This cover only applies if:

  • you hire a rental vehicle from a rental company or agency;
  • you’re a nominated driver on the rental vehicle agreement; and
  • the rental vehicle agreement specifies a maximum amount that you must pay if the rental vehicle is damaged or stolen. 

For an additional premium, you may be eligible to add one or more of the following option covers to your Comprehensive plan. These are summaries only.
  • Adventure Pack1,4
    This optional pack is designed to cover a range of more adventurous sports and activities not automatically covered in your policy. For a list of what sports and activities are covered, refer to the activities listed in the PDS. You must be under 75 years at the time of issue of your Certificate of Insurance to buy this optional pack.
  • Snow Pack1,4,5,6
    If you’re heading to the snow, this pack is designed to provide cover for you to take part in snow sport activities. Refer to the PDS for a definition of ‘Snow sport activities’ (Our Definitions) and full details of what the Snow Pack covers. You must be under 75 years at the time of issue of your Certificate of Insurance to buy this optional pack. 
  • Own Snow Sport Equipment cover if your snow sport equipment is stolen, accidently damaged, lost or delayed
  • Snow Sport Equipment Hire
  • Snow Sport Pack – to cover non-refundable unused pre-booked and pre-paid ski passes, ski hire, tuition fees or lift passes if you’re injured or become sick during your trip
  • Piste Closure 
  • Bad Weather and Avalanche
  • Cruise Pack1,5,6
    This optional pack is designed to provide cover for you to take part in sea and ocean cruising.  Refer to the PDS for a definition of ‘Cruise or Cruising’ and full details of what the Cruise Pack covers.
  • Medical cover while cruising
  • Evacuation cover – Ship to Shore
  • Cabin Confinement 
  • Pre-paid Shore Excursion Cancellations 
  • Formal Cruise Attire Lost or Damaged 
  • Formal Attire Delayed 
  • Marine Rescue Diversion
  • Increased Items Limits cover1,7
    You can choose a higher item limit for the loss or theft of, or accidental damage to, your luggage and personal effects by buying Increased Items Limits cover, additional to the plan type you choose. You can view the standard items limits cover for luggage and personal effects in the PDS. If you're planning on taking higher value items with you, such as camera equipment, you may want to consider covering them for a higher value.

Note: You may vary the base excess on any of our plans by choosing to pay an additional premium to decrease the base excess or reduce the premium by increasing the base excess at the time you buy your policy.
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You can apply to include cover under your policy for your pre-existing medical conditions at the time of buying your policy. You’ll need to complete our medical assessment which can be done online or by calling us on 13 1000.

If you’re pregnant at the time of buying your policy, your pregnancy is considered to be a pre-existing medical condition. Make sure you read the Travel During Pregnancy section in the PDS. This section has important information about this product’s cover for pregnancy, and when you need to apply to cover a pre-existing medical condition.

Depending on your pre-existing medical condition(s), we may not be able to cover any medical or hospital expenses, or any other losses or expenses arising from, related to or associated with any injury, illness or sickness suffered by you. 

For an additional premium, you may be eligible to add one or more of the following optional covers to provide additional cover for certain activities. For full terms, conditions, limits and exclusions read the PDS.

Snow Pack and Adventure Pack are only available for those aged under 75 at the time of issue of your Certificate of Insurance.

This is a limited summary of our additional options only. Terms, conditions, exclusions, limits and applicable sub-limits apply. For full details and before making a decision, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
If you’re a little more adventurous, the Adventure Pack is designed to cover a wide range of sports and activities not automatically covered in your standard policy.
  • Cover for 19 more adventurous activities
If you’re heading to the snow, the Snow Pack is designed to cover you to take part in snow sport activities.
  • Lost, accidentally damaged or stolen snow sport equipment
  • Cover for piste closure
  • Bad weather and avalanche cover
If you’re taking a cruise, the Cruise Pack is designed to cover you to take part in sea and ocean cruising. 
If you're planning on taking higher value items with you, you can increase the item limit for these items by adding Increased Item Limits cover to your plan. Your item may be covered for a higher value if it’s stolen, lost or damaged. 

Allianz Comprehensive Travel Insurance policies are designed to provide cover for overseas emergency hospital or medical expenses, overseas emergency medical assistance, lost or stolen luggage and travel documents, cancellation fees and lost deposits, among other benefits1.

You can buy cover for a single person, a couple or a whole family, depending on who you’ll be travelling with.

You may also be able to add optional extras like a Cruise Pack, Snow Pack or Adventure Pack for an additional premium1. The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) contains more detailed information about what is and isn’t covered, and will help you determine if our Comprehensive Travel Insurance suits your needs.

Our Comprehensive Travel Insurance has a general exclusion, with limited exceptions, against epidemics and pandemics. That means we don’t cover claims that arise from or are related to an epidemic or pandemic.

However, you’re covered under selected benefits for trip cancellation or overseas medical emergencies if you or your travel companion are positively diagnosed as suffering a sickness recognised as an epidemic or pandemic (such as COVID-192) during your period of cover.

Find out more about our COVID-19 benefits and what we offer.

Allianz Basic Travel Insurance is designed to cover overseas emergency medical and hospital expenses, overseas emergency assistance and personal liability1.

Allianz Comprehensive Travel Insurance is designed to cover these benefits, plus cover your luggage and personal effects, expenses relating to cancellations and travel delays, and many other benefits as described in the PDS1.

The Table of Benefits in the PDS is a good place to see at a glance the difference between Basic Travel Insurance and Comprehensive Travel Insurance, and to assess which best suits your needs

Our Basic Plan is only available to travellers who are aged under 75 years at the time the Certificate of Insurance is issued. However, our Comprehensive Plan is available to travellers of all ages1.

You can also compare our travel insurance plans.

Allianz Comprehensive Travel Insurance offers more policy benefits and inclusions than Basic Travel Insurance.

Our overseas emergency assistance helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We have Australian based registered nurses and doctors available.

We are part of Allianz Group. Allianz Group is a global leader in assistance services and has led the industry for over 50 years.

As with any purchasing decision, you’ll need to take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs.

If your trip will consist of snow activities, ocean cruising or adventure activities you may want to consider buying a Snow, Cruise or Adventure Pack.1

For an additional premium, these packs are designed to cover additional activities that are not automatically included in our policies.

You must be aged under 75 years at the time the Certificate of Insurance is issued in order to buy the Snow Pack and the Adventure Pack. You won’t have cover under Permanent Disability and Personal Liability benefits for any claims arising from, or in any way connected with your participation in any of the activities listed as covered adventure activities in the Adventure Pack or your participation in snow sport activities.

Our Snow Pack is designed to cover in certain circumstances, for loss or damage to your snow sport equipment and cost of re-hire as well as coverage for piste closure, bad weather and avalanche closure.4,5

The Cruise Pack is designed to cover, subject to the terms of the policy, medical and hospital expenses if you’re injured or become sick on a cruise, ship to shore evacuation if required for emergency medical treatment, plus cover for cabin confinement, pre-paid shore excursion cancellation, marine rescue diversion, and formal attire that has been damaged, lost, stolen or delayed.5

Allianz Comprehensive Travel Insurance automatically includes cover for a wide range of activities such as golf or snorkelling. You can also buy an Adventure Pack if you’re planning on participating in adventure activities such as motorbike riding1, moped riding1, abseiling, deep sea fishing or zip lining. For full lists of the automatically included activities and the adventure activities covered by the Adventure Pack, see the PDS.4

Allianz Comprehensive Travel Insurance is available for senior citizens and travellers of all ages.

However, some of the additional packs available to buy have age restrictions. You must be aged under 75 years at the time the Certificate of Insurance is issued in order to buy the Snow Pack and the Adventure Pack.

The cost of Comprehensive Travel Insurance varies based on factors such as (but not limited to) your age, where you’re travelling, how long you’re travelling, and what activities you’re undertaking. You can get an obligation-free quote any time online or over the phone to find out the cost of a Comprehensive Travel Insurance policy specific to your trip.
We send out emails with promotions throughout the year, which can include discounts on Comprehensive Travel Insurance policies and the optional Snow, Cruise and Adventure packs.
  1. Terms, conditions, exclusions, limits and applicable sub-limits apply. For full details and before making a decision, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
  2. Policy terms, conditions, limits, exclusions, and sub-limits apply to particular types of losses, premium refunds (full or partial) or claims. This product has a general exclusion, with limited exceptions, against epidemics and pandemics. That means we don’t cover claims that arise from, or are related to, an epidemic or pandemic.

    However, you’re covered under selected benefits in this product if, during your period of cover, you’re positively diagnosed as suffering a sickness recognised as an epidemic or pandemic, such as COVID-19. Refer to the PDS to see which benefits offer cover in the event you contract a sickness recognised as an epidemic or pandemic, and the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions that apply.
  3. You don’t have cover under this benefit while travelling in Australia.
  4. You won’t have cover under Permanent Disability and Personal Liability benefits for any claims arising from your participation in any of the activities listed under Adventure Pack or your participation in snow sport activities, even if you’ve bought a Snow Pack or an Adventure Pack.
  5. Sub-Limits apply. Refer to the Optional Covers – Cruise Pack and Snow Pack Policy Benefits section in the PDS for full details.
  6. You only have cover for these benefits if the relevant pack has been bought.
  7. The maximum we’ll pay for all claims combined under the Luggage, Personal Effects & Valuables Benefit is the benefit limit shown in the Table of Benefits in the PDS for the plan you’ve selected, even if you’ve bought Increased Item Limits cover.
Allianz acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work across Australia. We pay our respect to First Nations Elders past and present.

Any advice here does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, exclusions, limits and applicable sub-limits apply. Before making a decision about this insurance, please consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording and Supplementary PDS (if applicable). Where applicable, the PDS/Policy Wording, Supplementary PDS and Target Market Determination (TMD) for this insurance are available on this website.

Travel Insurance is issued and managed by AWP Australia Pty Ltd ABN 52 097 227 177 AFS Licence No. 245631, trading as Allianz Global Assistance (AGA) as agent of the insurer Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFS Licence No. 234708 (Allianz). Travel Insurance is underwritten by the insurer Allianz. Terms, conditions, exclusions, limits and applicable sub-limits apply.

^The 15% off Travel Insurance ‘FRENZY’ discount is available from 12:01 AM AEST 24/03/2025 until 11:59 PM AEST 31/03/2025 by entering the valid promo code. The discount applies to new policy purchases and is based on standard premium rates (including optional extras). It applies automatically upon successful input of the promo code and applies to any changes, upgrades or amendments made to the policy prior to commencement of the journey. The discount may apply to changes made after commencement of the journey, contact Allianz Global Assistance to find out more. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.

We don’t provide advice based on any consideration of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making a decision, please consider the Product Disclosure Statement available on this website. If you purchase this insurance, AGA will receive a commission that is a percentage of the premium. Ask us for more details before we provide you with any services on this product.