A tourist takes a photo of the view with her camera.

Optional Portable Contents cover

Home insurance with optional cover for your portable contents

The information on this page is for policies starting from 14 January 2025.

For customers who started a policy before this date, view the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). 

Cover in Australia and overseas for 120 days – if you have Home Contents Insurance and have selected the Portable Contents option.
Portable Contents claims don't affect your No Claim Bonus1.
Only $100 excess for Portable Contents claims – if you have Home Contents Insurance.

Portable Contents cover, also called personal effects cover, is cover for things you wear or carry with you. For example, your jewellery, mobile phone, or your camera. You can choose to add this optional cover to your Allianz Home Insurance policy.

With optional Portable Contents, you can cover your portable valuables for loss or damage caused by theft or accident anywhere in the world. If you’re planning a trip overseas, cover outside of Australia is limited to 120 continuous days in any period of insurance.

Choose from two types of cover – Listed Portable Contents or Unlisted Portable Contents, or choose both.
You can ask us to cover specific portable valuables separately for their full value. We’ll cover these items individually for a specified amount, less any excess.
You can select a ‘per item limit’ and ‘per claim limit’, e.g. up to $2,500 per item and $7,500 per claim. This means you don’t have to individually list your portable items. However, this option doesn’t cover laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and other wearable technology. You’ll need to list these items under Listed Portable Contents.
Find out what is and isn’t covered under our Portable Contents option.

Listed portable items

  • Higher value portable items, as detailed in the Listed Portable Contents checklist
  • Items that you’d like to cover for more than the maximum 'limit per item' with a replacement value
  • Mobile phones, laptops, tablets, smart watches and other wearable technology

Unlisted portable items

  • Any items in the Unlisted Portable Contents checklist
  • Your portable items that are within the maximum ‘limit per item’, and ‘total claim limit’.
  • Items you don’t want to list separately on your policy

  • Any items you use for business or work, i.e. to earn an income, such as your mobile phone
  • Cracked phone or laptop screens, where that’s the only damage
  • Any items not shown in the Listed or Unlisted Portable Contents checklist
  • Any unlisted item that must be listed as Listed Portable Contents, such as your mobile phone or laptop
  • Some general contents items such as money and cheques, drones and animals
  • Caravans, trailers, and boats

For full details of all limits and exclusions, see the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Supplementary PDS.
Two happy holidaymakers taking their luggage out of the car.

If you have Allianz Home and Contents Insurance already, you can pay extra to add Portable Contents cover to your policy.

Do you need to add Portable Contents to your Home and Contents Insurance policy? Our team is ready to help you with a new policy. Give us a call on 13 1000, or contact us.

By adding optional Portable Contents cover to your policy, you know your portable items are covered when you’re on the move. For example, if your camera is damaged during an accident, we’ll repair, replace or reimburse you, at our discretion, for its equivalent value. We’ll pay up to the limits you have nominated, that’s the total amount we’ll pay if you have to make a claim. This is in addition to your cover for standard insured events like fire2 and flood2.

You can tailor Portable Contents cover to suit your needs by choosing from two types of cover: listed or unlisted.

Listed cover means you can list specific portable contents items separately for their full value.

With unlisted cover, you can choose a value for each item from the available ‘limits of cover per item’ and a 'total claim limit'. This means you won’t need to list each item individually.

Before deciding on a policy, you should carefully consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Supplementary PDS , where applicable, which set out the standard terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions., where applicable, which set out the standard terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions.

The Portable Contents limits will depend on the level of coverage you choose and the items you’re covering.
Deciding whether you need to add Portable Contents cover to your Home and Contents Insurance policy is a decision only you can make. This will likely depend on the value of your items and the level of cover you need. It may give you confidence about covering the cost of replacing portable items, such as your mobile phone or engagement ring, if needed.
If you have Contents Insurance and you’ve selected the Portable Contents option, we’ll cover you for loss or damage to your portable contents caused by theft or an accident. This covers you anywhere in Australia and for up to 120 continuous days in any period of insurance if you’re travelling overseas.
The Portable Contents option only covers laptops, tablets, mobile phones, smart watches, and other wearable technology if they’re specified on your policy as Listed Portable Contents.
Yes. We’ll cover jewellery and watches under your Portable Contents option, either as Listed or Unlisted Contents. However, you must list smart watches as Listed Portable Contents on your policy. You can check the specific cover for your valuables with us if you’re unsure.

If you’ve added the Portable Contents option to your Home and Contents Insurance policy, you can make a claim 24/7 online. Our friendly claims team will contact you to discuss the next steps.

We’ll need evidence of the value and ownership of the listed or unlisted portable contents you’re claiming for.

To see some of the events covered and not covered by our Home Insurance, refer to our Key Fact Sheets (KFS).
  1. Up to 30% No Claim Bonus

    When you take out a new policy, we calculate your No Claims Bonus (NCB) based on your home or landlord (as applicable) insurance claims history. To qualify for the maximum No Claim Bonus of up to 30%, home insurance customers must have had no Building or Contents insurance claims in the preceding 5 years. Landlord customers must have had no Landlord insurance claims in the preceding 3 years. However, customers who have had claims may still qualify for a reduced No Claim Bonus. We won’t apply the full percentage of the No Claim Bonus if it results in you paying less than the minimum premium.

    The No Claim Bonus isn't applied to the flood component of the premium (if covered), Domestic workers' compensation (if available and selected), or Portable contents (if selected).

  2. 72-hour exclusion period may apply

    We may not provide cover for any loss of or damage to your property caused by cyclone, flood, flood water combined with run-off and/or rainwater, grassfires and bushfires during the first 72 hours after you first purchase a policy or increase your cover under an existing policy. Refer to PDS for when exclusion periods apply.

Allianz acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work across Australia. We pay our respect to First Nations Elders past and present.

Any advice here does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. Before making a decision about this insurance, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording and Supplementary PDS (if applicable). Where applicable, the PDS/Policy Wording, Supplementary PDS and Target Market Determination (TMD) for this insurance are available on this website. We do not provide any form of advice if you call us to enquire about or purchase a product.

Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFS Licence No. 234708 is the insurer of any general insurance products offered, and Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited ABN 27 076 033 782 AFS Licence No. 296559 is the insurer of any life insurance products offered. Each entity is responsible for any statements and representations made about its products, on this website.