Permanently Unable to Work cover

Help maintain your lifestyle with cover from the world’s #1 insurance brand1

Permanently Unable to Work cover, also known as Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance, can be added onto your Life cover and can help to minimise the impact that permanent disability, sickness, or injury has on your way of life.

Our Permanently Unable to Work benefit pays you a lump sum if you’re permanently unable to work due to sickness or injury, or suffer a Major Physical Impairment.2,3 The funds can be used for any purpose you choose – for example to help replace lost income for daily living costs, or assist with ongoing care or rehabilitation costs, or to pay for debts or any home modifications.

Need to make a claim? We’re here to help. Lodging a claim with us is easy.
Permanently Unable to Work cover can be added as an option to your Life cover policy. Find out what’s included as part of your Permanently Unable to Work cover.

Cover of up to $1.5m depending on your age4 for either Permanent inability to work in any occupation or Major Physical Impairment due to Sickness or Injury. Only one Permanently Unable to Work benefit is payable under this cover for the Life Insured.

  • Permanent inability to work in any occupation
  • Cover if you’ve been continuously unable to work for a period of at least 90 consecutive days solely because of Sickness or Injury, and you’re unlikely to ever work again in an occupation for which you’re suited based on your work experience, your education and any training you’ve had.2
  • or
  • Major Physical Impairment

    Cover if you’ve suffered one of the following major physical impairments3 due to Sickness or Injury:
    • Loss of limbs or paralysis3
    • Loss of sight3 
    • Loss of hearing3
  • Life cover Buy Back

    Payment of a benefit under Permanently Unable to Work cover reduces the cover amount of any remaining benefits under Life cover and Critical Illness cover by that payment amount. The Life cover Buy Back feature allows you to reinstate the reduced Life Cover Amount 12 months after full payment of a Permanently Unable to Work claim.5
  • Inflation Proofing Increases

    We increase your cover amount by 5% or the 12-month change in the Consumer Price Index as published each quarter by the Australian Bureau of Statistics , whichever amount is greater, each policy anniversary up until the policy anniversary after your 65th birthday.6
  • Guarantee to continue cover

    Once you’re accepted, we guarantee to continue your Permanently Unable to Work cover until the policy anniversary after your 65th birthday.7

  • Intentionally self-inflicted conditions
  • We won’t pay the Permanently Unable to Work benefit where the condition is intentionally self-inflicted.
  • Pre-existing sicknesses or injuries
  • We won’t pay the Permanently Unable to Work benefit if you suffer the Sickness or Injury before the start of the policy and before the benefit was current.
  • Special events or conditions we agree on
  • We won’t pay any benefit where we’ve agreed with you a special term in respect of your cover that specifically excludes the event or condition leading to the claim. Any such special term will be agreed with you before your policy is issued and will appear on your Policy Schedule.
  • If you don’t follow travel advice overseas
  • We won’t pay any benefits to the extent a claim arises because you didn’t follow advice issued by the Australian government relating to an overseas location. This includes travelling when a `Reconsider your need to travel’ or `Do not travel’ alert is in place and not taking action to minimise or avoid any potential claim.

This is a summary of only some of the features and benefits available on Allianz Life Plan. Before deciding on a policy, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which sets out the standard terms, conditions, limits, definitions, exclusions, waiting periods, exclusion periods and information about taking a combination of cover. If you consider it appropriate, speak with a financial adviser before deciding on any cover.

You can apply for cover if you’re an Australian permanent resident aged 16 to 55. This means if you’re an Australian or New Zealand citizen or you hold an Australian Permanent Resident Visa and you’re permanently living in Australia at the time of your application. You must be working on a permanent basis in an eligible occupation type for at least 20 hours per week.

We’ll ask you some questions about your health, lifestyle, occupation, and family medical history to determine whether we’re able to offer you cover.

This product is not suitable for purchase within a superannuation fund.

To apply for Permanently Unable to Work cover, you must also apply for Life cover. Your Permanently Unable to Work cover amount can’t be more than the Life cover amount.4,5 You can choose your cover amount to suit your needs. The maximum cover amounts4,5 you can apply for are based on your current age and are listed below:

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Age at application
Minimum cover amount
Maximum cover amount
16 - 45 $100,000 $1,500,000
46 - 55 $100,000 $1,000,000
You can apply for Life Insurance online in three easy steps, without the need for a medical or blood test. Or if you prefer, give us a call on 13 1000.
We offer Permanently Unable to Work cover and Critical Illness cover within our Allianz Life Plan, which can be added to your Life cover.4
Woman giving a piggyback to a child
Apply for cover up to $500,000 depending on your age to cover defined Critical Illness events.4,5,8
Man holding a child
Apply for up to $1.5m depending on your age to cover death or Terminal Illness, where death is likely to occur within 24 months.4,5,9
This is a summary of only some of the features and benefits available on Allianz Life Plan. Before deciding on a policy, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which sets out the standard terms, conditions, limits, definitions, exclusions, waiting periods, exclusion periods and information about taking a combination of cover. If you consider it appropriate, speak with a financial adviser before deciding on any cover.

We understand that when you take out life insurance, it’s important the amount you’re insured for reflects what you’ll need to keep your loved ones financially secure when you’re no longer around to provide for them.

Get an estimate within 10 minutes of how much life insurance you may need.

Allianz Life is part of Allianz Group, which has been recognised as the world's top insurance brand by Interbrand's Best Global Brands 2024
When you buy or renew, you have the flexibility to pay annually or monthly at no extra cost
Our team of specialists understands the importance of Life Insurance and is here to help
We’ve been a Life Insurance Code of Practice Subscriber since 2017
  1. World’s #1 insurance brand
    Allianz Life is part of Allianz Group, which has been recognised as the world’s top insurance brand by Interbrand’s Best Global Brands 2023.

  2. Permanently Unable to Work cover
    Provides cover if, solely because of Sickness or Injury, you suffer a defined Major Physical Impairment, or you have:
    • been continuously unable to work for a period of at least 90 consecutive days; and
    • are unlikely ever to work again in any occupation for which you are suited based on your work experience, education and any training you’ve had.

    We won’t pay a Permanently Unable to Work benefit where the condition is intentionally self-inflicted.

    Refer to the Policy benefits ‘Permanently Unable to Work cover’, ‘When a Permanently Unable to Work benefit will be payable’ and ‘When is a benefit not payable (policy exclusions)?’ sections in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for full details.

  3. Major Physical Impairment
    Provides cover for the following Major Physical Impairments due to Sickness or Injury:

    • Loss of limbs or paralysis: total and permanent loss of use of:
    • two or more limbs; or
    • one or more limbs and the sight in one eye
    • Loss of sight: permanent Legal Blindness in both eyes
    • Loss of hearing: permanent loss of hearing in both ears due to profound and irrecoverable loss of hearing, both natural and assisted (other than by cochlear implant), with an average hearing threshold in both ears of 91dB or more as measured at 500, 1000 and 5000 Hz.

    We won’t pay a Permanently Unable to Work benefit where the condition is intentionally self-inflicted.

    Refer to the Policy benefits ‘Permanently Unable to Work cover’, ‘When a Permanently Unable to Work benefit will be payable’ and ‘When is a benefit not payable (policy exclusions)?’ sections in the Product Disclosure Statement for full details.
  4. Cover amounts
    Maximum cover amounts apply and are dependent on your age at the time of application. The Critical Illness cover amount and Permanently Unable to Work cover amount can’t exceed the Life cover amount. The minimum cover amount for Critical Illness cover is $50,000, and $100,000 for Life cover and Permanently Unable to Work cover.

    The maximum total amount payable under a policy is the Life cover amount listed on the Policy Schedule. Other conditions apply. Refer to the 'How much cover can I apply for?' and 'Maximum benefits payable' sections in the Product Disclosure Statement for full details.
  5. Combination of cover and Life cover Buy Back
    Policies must include Life cover; taking a combination of cover you can apply to add Critical Illness cover and Permanently Unable to Work cover. If we make a full Life cover payment in the event of death or Terminal Illness, then the Life Insured’s policy will cease. Any payment for Critical Illness cover or Permanently Unable to Work cover will reduce any other covers by that payment amount. If a payment made under the Critical Illness cover or Permanently Unable to Work cover reduces any other cover amount to $0, then that cover will cease for the Life Insured.

    If Critical Illness cover or Permanently Unable to Work cover is paid in full, we may reinstate the reduced Life Cover Amount that was reduced because of the Critical Illness or Permanently Unable to Work payment after a 12-month waiting period. Critical Illness cover and Permanently Unable to Work cover won’t be reinstated as part of the Life cover Buy Back feature. This feature is not included in all policies.

    Refer to the 'Taking a combination of cover' and the 'Life cover Buy Back' sections in the Product Disclosure Statement for full details.
  6. Inflation Proofing Increases
    Premiums increase from year to year in line with the increased cover amount. You can decline an Inflation Proofing Increase in any given year by contacting us.

    Refer to the ‘Inflation Proofing Increases’, ‘Premium, fees and other charges’ and ‘Premium calculation and payment’ sections of Product Disclosure Statement for full details.
  7. Guarantee to continue cover
    Cover is guaranteed until you reach the age specified in the Product Disclosure Statement for the relevant cover, regardless of how your health may change. Applies subject to payment of premiums when due.
  8. Critical Illness cover
    Critical Illnesses covered under this product are certain types of Vascular Disease, Cardiac Surgery, Cancer of specified severity, Degenerative Diseases, and Major Organ Failure. Each has a specific definition as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement.

    In some cases, a 90-day exclusion period applies.

    We won’t pay a Critical Illness benefit where the Critical Illness is intentionally self-inflicted.

    Refer to the Policy benefits ‘Critical Illnesses cover’, 'When a Critical Illness benefit will be payable' and 'When is a benefit not payable (policy exclusions)?' sections in the Product Disclosure Statement for full details.
  9. Life cover and Terminal Illness
    A Terminal Illness means a Sickness which is likely to result in your death within 24 months. This requires the written opinion of a Specialist supported by reasonable medical evidence in relation to your life expectancy.

    Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. Refer to Policy benefits ‘Life cover’ and ‘When is a benefit not payable (policy exclusions)?’ sections of the Product Disclosure Statement for full details.
  10. Pay by instalments
    Premiums payable by instalments may be subject to minor adjustments (upwards or downwards) due to rounding, and financial institution transaction fees may apply.

Allianz acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work across Australia. We pay our respect to First Nations Elders past and present.


Any advice here does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. Before making a decision about this insurance, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording and Supplementary PDS (if applicable). Where applicable, the PDS/Policy Wording, Supplementary PDS and Target Market Determination (TMD) for this insurance are available on this website. We do not provide any form of advice if you call us to enquire about or purchase a product.

Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFS Licence No. 234708 is the insurer of any general insurance products offered, and Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited ABN 27 076 033 782 AFS Licence No. 296559 is the insurer of any life insurance products offered. Each entity is responsible for any statements and representations made about its products, on this website.