SA CTP Insurance Claims

Our SA-based team of CTP claims specialists is here to help

If you’re injured in a motor vehicle accident that was caused (completely or partially) by a vehicle we insure for CTP, you may be able to make a claim with us.

You may also be able to make a CTP claim when a family member dies in a motor vehicle accident. Compensation may be available for loss of support for eligible family members of the deceased. Funeral expenses may also be covered.

If you don’t know whether we’re the CTP insurer of the at-fault vehicle, give us a call or send us an email and we’ll be happy to help.
Making a SA CTP insurance claim with us is simple. Here’s how.
You’ll need to get hold of the registration details of the vehicles that were involved in the accident.
Report the accident to the police, unless they attended the accident scene.
Complete and lodge an injury claim form, available from the SA CTP Regulator.
Motor vehicle accidents should be reported to the police as soon as possible by attending your nearest police station or by calling 131 444.
Complete and submit your form online and it will be submitted electronically to the CTP Insurer managing your claim.

If you’d like help completing your claim form, give our CTP claims team a call on 1300 686 725.

The completed form needs to be sent to:

Allianz Australia
CTP SA Claims Department
PO Box 10063
Adelaide BC, SA 5000

You can send your claim by email, or send a fax to 1300 686 018.

Once you’ve filled out the relevant form and sent it to us, we’ll do the following:
  • Contact you within five business days after we’ve received your claim form
  • Send you a letter advising you of your claim reference number, as well as the name and contact details of the person who will be responsible for helping you with your claim.
  • Make enquiries into the circumstances of the accident and determine who’s at fault
  • Keep you up to date on the progress of your claim and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions

If liability is accepted, we’ll process your claim including, where relevant:

  • Helping you with your reasonable and necessary medical treatment and rehabilitation to help you in your recovery
  • Paying reasonable medical expenses promptly upon receipt. Remember to keep your accounts and receipts and provide copies to us

We may also need to obtain medical reports and other information to assess your claim. If we do, we’ll discuss these with you.

Once we’ve received all of the necessary information to assess your claim, we’ll get in touch to discuss settlement.

If you were partly at fault in the motor vehicle accident, your entitlements and any settlement offer may be reduced. The amount may reflect the extent to which you’re considered at fault and/or any statutory reduction.

We’re here to help you. At any stage of the claims process we encourage you to reach out to the person managing your claim if you have any questions or concerns.

If you’re not satisfied with your experience with us, give us a call on 1300 686 725 so we can try to resolve your issue.

For more information, refer to our Customer Service & Complaints Management Model (PDF, 578KB). This has been translated into a number of languages to help people from non-English speaking backgrounds:

If you need an interpreter or translator when contacting us about your complaint, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 during business hours and ask to be connected to Allianz Australia Insurance Limited – CTP SA Claims.

If you’re still not satisfied with our response, call the CTP Insurance Regulator on 1300 303 558, send them an email or complete the Feedback-Complaint Form on their website.

For more information, refer to the CTP Insurance Regulator’s Complaints and disputes fact sheet (PDF, 240KB).

Our office address:

Allianz Australia
CTP SA Claims
Level 16
One Festival Tower
Station Road
Adelaide SA 5000

The common forms of compensation payments are made for:

  • Treatment expenses (refer to ‘What type of treatment expenses can be claimed?’ below for more information)
  • Non-economic loss, including pain and suffering and disfigurement
  • Loss of earning capacity (past and future) excluding the first week's loss
  • Loss of dependency
  • Attendant care
  • Funeral

Visit the SA CTP Insurance Regulator for more information on what compensation you may be eligible to receive.

Reductions to compensation apply if your actions contributed to the accident, such as failure to keep a proper lookout, or driving at excessive speed (contributory negligence).

There are also laws that apply which may result in statutory reductions. For example, if the effect of alcohol or drugs contributed to the accident, if required seatbelts or helmets weren’t in use, or if an injured passenger wasn’t sitting in a correct passenger compartment.

Head to the SA CTP Insurance Regulator to find out more information about contributory negligence and statutory reductions.

We may authorise payment for treatment expenses including, but not limited to the following:

  • Medical practitioners
  • Medications
  • Ambulance
  • Hospital
  • Physiotherapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Remedial massage
  • Gym program

Generally, all providers of medical and allied health services (e.g. physiotherapy, chiropractic, hydrotherapy and massage treatment) must be WorkCover accredited, or your expenses may not be covered.

Because of this, we recommend you contact your health care provider to determine whether they’re WorkCover accredited before receiving treatment. Payment of accounts for these treatments will be made at WorkCover gazetted rates.

Payment of accounts by Allianz may occur when you’ve met the following requirements:

  • We receive a completed and signed 'Injury Claim form', including the 'Prescribed Authority’ available from the SA CTP Insurance Regulator
  • Liability is not in dispute or has been agreed
  • A medical report confirms the need for treatment, where appropriate
  • Treatment has been reasonably incurred as a result of the motor vehicle accident
  • The amount of the account is appropriate

If there’s any doubt, payment will be subject to more investigations or inquiries.

You’ll be required to fully co-operate with us, which may include completing an Accident Report Form and returning it to us. Penalties of up to $5,000.00 can apply for failing to co-operate with us.

In some circumstances, the CTP compensation paid to the injured person may be recovered from you if, for example you:

  • Were under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Were driving dangerously
  • Intentionally cause injury
  • Are guilty of a hit and run offence
  • Drove a vehicle without the owner’s permission
  • Don’t hold a current driver’s licence
  • Drove an unroadworthy or overloaded vehicle

The money recovered from you may include injury compensation and claims' management costs.

If you are 16 years and over and you’re injured, you won’t be covered under your CTP policy. You may be entitled to compensation from another source. Visit the SA CTP Insurance Regulator for more information.

If you were under the age of 16 years at the time of the accident, and the accident occurred in South Australia on or after 1 July 2013, the CTP scheme provides necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support regardless of who is at fault. Find out more about children’s claims.

You could possibly make a claim against the Nominal Defendant. Contact the SA CTP Regulator on 1300 303 558 for more information.

Please be wary of uninvited contact about potential motor vehicle accident claims, whether you have or haven’t been involved in an accident. They may offer to refer you to a claims, compensation, government or legal service – however, this contact may be deceptive or misleading about your eligibility to make a claim, or your eligibility for compensation. This is referred to as ‘claim farming’.

We recommend anyone receiving this sort of contact to protect their personal information.

Find out more about claim farming, including how to report it.

No, but you do have the option to obtain it or to appoint legal representation.

Should you choose to seek legal representation, it’s important to know that thresholds are in place for reimbursement of legal fees. Legal costs through the CTP Scheme are not available in certain circumstances, such as if the total compensation is $25,000 or less. Limitations also apply if your compensation exceeds $25,000 and there will always be a component of any legal fees that won’t be claimable from Allianz.

Your lawyer is required to discuss with you the likely legal costs and also provide this information in writing.

Get more information regarding legal advice from the SA CTP Insurance Regulator.

Allianz acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work across Australia. We pay our respect to First Nations Elders past and present.

Any advice here does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply.

Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFS Licence No. 234708 is the insurer of any general insurance products offered on this website.
Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited ABN 27 076 033 782 AFS Licence No. 296559 is the insurer of any life insurance products offered on this website.