VIC Workers' Compensation claims

Personalised support at every step of your claims journey with us

If you’re injured at work, your first priority is to see your doctor and let your employer know what’s going on as soon as possible.

You (or someone acting on your behalf) must make an entry on your employer’s register of injuries.

Have a question about workers' compensation? Give one of our workers' compensation specialists a call.
Whether you’re submitting a claim for a mental or physical injury, there’s a few simple steps that both you and your employer need to take.
If you’ve been injured at work and would like to claim workers' compensation, then you’ll need to do the following:
  1. Complete Part A, questions 1 to 6 of the Worker’s Injury Claim Form. Make sure to sign and date your form. Or complete it online through myWorkSafe, WorkSafe’s self-service tool. Learn more about myWorkSafe online claims.
  2. Submit your claim form along with a Certificate of Capacity (medical certificate) to your employer.
  3. Your employer will submit your workers' compensation claim with us on your behalf.
Here’s what your employer will need to do to submit a workers' compensation claim on your behalf.
Sign and date the Worker’s Injury Claim Form and complete an Employer Injury Claim Report
Submit your documents to us within 10 days of receiving your claim. If your claim includes a mental injury, submit the Worker’s Injury Claim Form - Part A (early notification) within 3 business days. 
Once we’ve received your claim, we’ll assign an eligibility officer who will contact you, usually within 7 days.
Employers can choose to submit documents in the way that’s most convenient for them.
Submit forms online using WorkSafe’s Online Claim Lodgement System. The WorkSafe Employer Number and a scanned copy of the forms and any supporting documents are needed.
You can also submit and manage claims through myWorkSafe, WorkSafe’s online self-service tool. It  may be quicker and easier to process your claim online.

Send completed forms and any supporting documentation to us by post at:

Allianz Australia
Workers' Compensation Victoria 
GPO Box 80, Melbourne Vic 3001.

Send completed forms and any supporting documentation to us by email or fax. 

VIC New claims 

03 8615 8180

Once we have received your claim, we’ll do the following:
  • Confirm we’ve received and registered your claim by SMS or email and provide you with your claim number.
  • Assign an eligibility officer who will contact you and, where required, the nominated treating doctor, to make sure the claim is assessed appropriately.
  • Tell you within four weeks of receiving your claim whether the claim has been accepted or not. If the claim includes a mental injury, we’ll tell you if your claim is eligible for provisional payments within two business days of receiving the Worker's Injury Claim Form - Part A.
  • If your claim is accepted, assign a case manager who will help return you to health and work as soon as possible, where you are medically fit to do so. 
We understand that not everyone agrees with decisions that have been made about their claim. You can ask for the decision to be internally reviewed, or choose to also lodge a formal request with the Workplace Injury Commission
To provide feedback on your experience with us, please complete our online contact form.

If your claim is accepted, you’re entitled to reasonable costs associated with medical treatment in relation to your injury. It’s important to note that payment of reasonable medical costs doesn’t always mean the full cost, as there may be a ‘gap’ between what your provider charges and what is payable under WorkSafe’s schedule of fees.

To claim for reimbursements, complete the Worker Reimbursement form and submit it to us along with your receipts.

Email your completed Worker Reimbursement form along with your receipts to our Accounts team.
Download the VicClaim app and submit your expenses using photographs from your device, which are sent directly to us for payment.
Getting the treatment you need and being actively involved in your recovery may help you return to health sooner. You don’t have to be fully recovered to return to work. Our goal is to help you get the treatment you need, and return to the workplace as soon as possible.
Watch our video to find out how we work hard to determine what compensation you are legally entitled to so that you can focus on your recovery. 
You’re more likely to have better physical and social outcomes when you recover at work. Watch our video to find out more about how we’ll support you.
Our resources page provides information for both employers and workers about injury management and return to work best practice including helpful forms, tools and links.
We’ll assign an eligibility officer to assess liability of your claim and, in most cases, let you and your employer know whether your claim has been accepted within 7 days. Once your claim is accepted, a case manager will be assigned to your claim to help with your return to work.
Talk to your employer to find out when they have sent your claim form to us. You can expect to hear from an Allianz eligibility officer within 7 days of us receiving the claim form from your employer. In some cases, we may take up to 28 days to notify you of the liability status of your claim. 

While your claim is being assessed, contact the eligibility officer. Once your claim has been accepted, we’ll give you your case manager’s contact details.

Your case manager is your go-to person for any questions. Because we work as a team, you might not always get to talk to the same case manager, but we’ll do our best to give you just one contact.

If you would like to access compensation for your time off work, you need to supply a Certificate of Capacity before payments can be issued. A Certificate of Capacity is a medical certificate that specifies the clinical diagnosis, nature of injury and your capacity for work, including expected duration of your incapacity.

Your first certificate can cover a maximum of 14 days and can only be obtained from a doctor. Ongoing certificates can be obtained from a variety of treatment providers (such as a doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath) and can cover a maximum of 28 days.

Independent medical examinations are a regular part of the claims process. An independent medical examiner provides a medical opinion in the form of a report that assists us to make decisions regarding the ongoing management of your claim. 

Your case manager will contact you within 7 days of receiving the report to go through the report and discuss whether there will be a change to your entitlements. A copy of the report will also be sent to your doctor for their consideration.

Your eligibility officer will notify you and your employer of the decision in writing. You may be entitled to use any sick leave or other appropriate leave that you've accrued to cover time off work.
If you are injured at work and require medical treatment or time off work, you may be eligible for compensation. This may include weekly payments to cover replacement of lost income, compensation for reasonable medical and rehabilitation treatment expenses, and lump sum compensation in the event of a serious injury.1
Weekly payments are calculated based on your pre-injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE). PIAWE is the average weekly earnings for you for the previous 52 weeks – or less if employed continuously by the same employer for a shorter period of time. For more information about compensation entitlements, visit WorkSafe’s Support and entitlements page.

If your claim is accepted, you’re entitled to reasonable costs associated with medical treatment in relation to your injury. Payment of the reasonable costs of medical treatment doesn’t necessarily mean payment of the full costs. There may be a 'gap' between what the provider charges and what is payable under WorkSafe's schedule of fees.

Typically, your treating provider will bill us directly. If you have paid for services, then you can send the receipts to us for reimbursement.

You may need fast access to treatment to help you recover and return to work. Because of this, WorkSafe has approved a number of services that you can access without a doctor’s referral or initial approval from us. For more information, visit WorkSafe’s Treatment expenses page.
As well as accessing services that don’t require a referral or approval from us, there are other types of treatment that you can access under your claim. We won’t be able to pre-approve these services over the phone in most circumstances – you’ll need to submit a request to us in writing.
You don’t need to be fully recovered to return to work following a work-related injury. You can return to work on reduced hours in your normal job or on modified or alternative duties. Talk to your doctor about the kind of work and activities that will best support your recovery. For more information about returning to work, visit WorkSafe’s Return to work page.
  1. Entitlements vary based on the circumstances of individual claims, and financial limits apply over the life of the claim.
Allianz acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work across Australia. We pay our respect to First Nations Elders past and present.

Any advice here does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. Before making a decision about this insurance, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording and Supplementary PDS (if applicable). Where applicable, the PDS/Policy Wording, Supplementary PDS and Target Market Determination (TMD) for this insurance are available on this website. We do not provide any form of advice if you call us to enquire about or purchase a product.

Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFS Licence No. 234708 is the insurer of any general insurance products offered, and Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited ABN 27 076 033 782 AFS Licence No. 296559 is the insurer of any life insurance products offered. Each entity is responsible for any statements and representations made about its products, on this website.